News list for " eigenlabs"

Eigen Labs launches EigenPod upgrade to enhance the convenience and profitability of ETH staking

EigenLabs has launched an EigenPod upgrade designed to make ETH staking easier and more profitable. The EigenPod upgrade introduces a new balance checkpoint system for managing Ethereum validators and EigenPod balances. With this upgrade, a streamlined checkpoint process enables any EigenPod owner (or designated proof submitter) to claim rewards in bulk, earn more rewards and take advantage of improved user experience and tools.

2024-09-05 11:21:49
Eigen Labs推出EigenPod升级,旨在提升ETH质押便捷度和收益


2024-09-05 11:21:49
About a third of $5 million tokens airdropped by EtherFi, Renzo and AltLayer have been sold

According to Lookonchain, EtherFi, Renzo, and AltLayer previously dropped about $5 million worth of tokens to EigenLabs employees. EtherFi airdropped 10,491 ETHFI to each of 44 addresses for a total of 461,600 ETHFI (peaking at $3.69 million), of which 31.2% was sold. AltLayer airdropped 46,512 ALTs to each of 37 addresses for a total of 1.72 million ALTs (peaking at $1.16 million), of which 32.4% were sold. Renzo airdropped 66,667 REZs to each of 27 addresses for a total of 1.80 million REZs (p...

2024-08-16 16:18:31

据Lookonchain监测,此前EtherFi、Renzo和AltLayer向EigenLabs员工空投了价值约500万美元的代币。 EtherFi向44个地址各空投了10,491个ETHFI,总计461,600个ETHFI(峰值为369万美元),其中31.2%的ETHFI已售出。 AltLayer向37个地址各空投了46,512个ALT,总计172万个ALT(峰值为116万美元),其中32.4%的ALT已售出。 Renzo向27个地址各空投了66,667个REZ,总计180万个REZ(峰值为50万美元),其中33.6%的REZ已售出。...

2024-08-16 16:18:31
NEAR, Nethermind and EigenLabs Collaborate to Launch NEAR Fast Finality Layer on Holesky Testnet

NEAR, Nethermind, and EigenLabs have teamed up to launch NEAR Fast Finality Layer (NFFL), which aims to address fragmentation and finality issues and lay the foundation for improving the growth and accessibility of the Ethereum ecosystem. Developers can create DApps that take full advantage of multiple L2 solutions without compromising speed or security. The NEAR Fast Finality Layer is currently live on the Holesky testnet for testing.

2024-05-09 12:34:36
NEAR、Nethermind和EigenLabs合作在Holesky测试网推出NEAR Fast Finality Layer

5月9日消息,NEAR、Nethermind和EigenLabs合作推出NEAR Fast Finality Layer(NFFL),旨在解决碎片化和终结性问题,为提高以太坊生态系统的增长和可访问性奠定基础。开发人员可以创建DApp,充分利用多个L2解决方案的优势,而不影响速度或安全性。目前NEAR Fast Finality Layer已上线Holesky测试网进行测试。

2024-05-09 12:34:36